Summarized Covid-19 Report for Dallas 2021


Credits: Dallas News

According to reports, an increasing number of unvaccinated pregnant women are becoming hospitalized for Covid-19. Following these incidents, doctors in Dallas are urging pregnant women to get vaccinated to protect their unborn kids and their lives during pregnancy.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the number of pregnant women requiring hospitalization due to Covid-19 increased from 10% to 15% during summer. By August the numbers were higher and reportedly 25%. By 4 September, there were about 82 patients severely suffering from illness. Ten of these required ventilators whereas two died.

There were reports that Southwest Airlines would put unvaccinated staff on leave starting December. However, the latest news update is that the airline has ditched this plan. Those who seek exemption due to genuine reasons would be permitted to work. However, Southwest is bound by the Biden administration to ensure its staff gets the vaccination by the deadline in December. Employees have a deadline to get the vaccination before 28 November or apply for an exemption.

The union president Casey Murray reportedly said if they are unable to fly...

“We are not anti-vaccination at all, but our pilots are extremely worried about how their medicals are going to be handled.”

Let us have a flashback of the months earlier this year.

In July, the number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases in Dallas County surpassed 300, with another 106 suspected cases added, marking a tragic milestone. Since the COVID-19 vaccine became available, Dallas County has distributed over half a million doses, but the new Delta variation is now causing a fresh rise in illnesses as vaccine availability decreased.

Texas Tribune: As the vaccine became more readily available, demand for it began to decline in Texas as early as April.

A senior Dallas Country Judge Clay Jenkins said:  

"Since March this is our largest number of corona patients. He also said, "Please know that the vaccination is safe and effective if you haven't been injected yet." 

Get it for your community and protect yourself and your family.

Coronavirus has suddenly "become the epidemic of the unvaccinated," according to the CDC director. According to the CDC, 99.5 % of those who died from coronavirus were unvaccinated. According to the CDC, 97 percent of people admitted to hospitals have not received the vaccine. Across the country, 19 fatalities and hospitalizations are on the upswing once more.

The coronavirus positive rate in Texas has once again surpassed 10%, a figure that Gov. Greg Abbott formerly considered alarming. The announcement comes just two weeks after Dallas County was granted herd immunity. Dr. Erin Carlson stated, "I'm pretty startled that there's even a statement made that we have herd immunity."

This is the latest summary of the Covid-19 pandemic in Dallas. Let us hope 2022 proves a better year overall. 


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